Sunday, 23 December 2018

The Double Dealer

by William Congreve

seen at the Orange Tree Theatre Richmond on 19 December 2018

Selina Cadell directs Lloyd Everitt as Mellefont, Dharmesh Patel as Careless, Jonathan Broadbent as Brisk, Zoë Waites as both Cynthia and Lady Touchwood and Jenny Rainsford as Lady Plyant, and Edward MacLiam as Maskwell (the double dealer of the title) in this Restoration Comedy from 1693, designed by Madeleine Girling.

As the programme note points out, there are problems with Restoration comedy - the tradition of over-elaborate costumes and props, and a language which to modern ears often sounds over-complex and dismayingly elaborate. The visual aspect of these traditions has been stripped back here, with no wigs for the men, and fine but not extravagant dress. The language is inescapable, and the contests of wit, especially prominent in the first half, still sounded artificial and even at times strained rather than exuberant, despite the intimate setting of the theatre and the best efforts of the cast.

Tuesday, 18 December 2018

True West

by Sam Shepard

seen at the Vaudeville Theatre on 17 December 2018

Matthew Dunster directs Kit Harington as Austin and Johnny Flynn as Lee with Donald Sage Mackay as Saul Kimmer (Austin's agent) and Madeleine Potter as Austin and Lee's mother in this curious comedy noir play about the conflict between two brothers, which has been read as an embodiment of the inner conflicts of Sam Shepard himself.

Austin is looking after his mother's house (she is visiting Alaska), and trying to complete a screenplay to seal a deal with his agent. But his tearaway brother Lee turns up, disturbing his equanimity. Where Austin appears focused and in control, Lee is a freer spirit, evidently feckless and untroubled by low-level criminal activity. Fraternal tension is only exacerbated by these temperamental differences.